Important notes: NO minors under 12 years old. ALL minors 12 - 17 must be accompanied by a legal guardian. NO extra friends, family, or children allowed in the suite. Clients who are pregnant or breastfeeding must obtain written doctor approval in order to use Face Reality active products or receive certain acne therapies. Please contact us to request the Face Reality Pregnancy and Breastfeeding form for doctor approval.

ACCUTANE & Vitamin A: Clients must be off Accutane for at least 6 months before booking. Clients using any other Vitamin A products (Tretinoin, EpiDuo Forte, Differin, Tazorac, Retinol, Retin-A, etc) MUST stop use at least 10-14 days before your consultation appointment.

We do NOT accept medical insurance of any kind. The full cost of services and products are billed directly to the client either upon booking or at the time of service.

Cancellation Policy:  NO-SHOWS are banned from all future booking. Reminder messages are sent out 24 hours before appointment time. Call or text us directly to reschedule. 24 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule an appointment.  Failure to give 24 hours notice will result in a penalty charged to the card on file. Flat rate penalty charge for all appointments and services is $60. This includes first-time clients and consultations.


  • NEW CLIENT Consultation with Sensitivity Test $115: You will learn about what acne is, how we address it with acne specific facials, topical products, diet, and lifestyle.  We will also do a Sensitivity Acids Serums Test to determine which products are right for your individualized skincare regimen, as well as performing extractions.

  • NEW CLIENT Consultation with Full Facial $160:  Includes Acne Education consultation, Sensitivity Acid Serums Test, enzyme mask, extractions, and High Frequency or LED Light Therapy.

  • Acne Facial $110: This facial includes a cleanse, 2-3 layer peel, extractions, moisturizer, and SPF.  

  • Acne Facial with Light Therapy $150:  Acne Facial with the addition of High Frequency or LED light therapy to expedite the healing and prevention of acne breakouts.

  • Back Acne Therapy $150: Uses chemical or enzyme peels and extractions to address acne breakouts on the back.

  • Back Acne Therapy with Light Therapies $190: In addition to peels and extractions, red and blue LED or High Frequency light therapies are used to expedite the healing process.

  • AnteAge/Rezenerate Nano Facial $180: A noninvasive electrical pen is used to infuse a combination of serums in to the epidermis to address a variety of skin concerns such as some forms of acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Includes hydrating mask and LED Light Therapy.

  • Diamond Microdermabrasion $160: To address texture left behind after active acne is cleared. Uses a diamond tipped electrical modality to effectively lift off dead skin cells and incorporates gentle suction for increased circulation and skin rejuvenation. Includes mask and LED Light Therapy.

  • Product Pick-up $0: “Actives” available to current clients only (exfoliating acids, benzoyl peroxide, etc). New clients must first book a consultation.

*Notes:  Expect to pay anywhere from $180.00 to $300.00+ for your customized home care product kit at your first appointment when you begin the Face Reality Skincare program. Please be advised that appointment duration varies based on our Acne Expert’s assessment of individual skin care needs, and the client’s progress to date.

We do not provide medical advice or services and therefore medical insurance does not cover our services or products. HSA (Health Savings Account) cannot be used to pay for non-medical services or products. All products and services are out-of-pocket to the client prior to, or at the time of service.

What we do For Troubled Skin:

Your first appointment with us will go something like this.

1. We go over the information on your questionnaire so that we know what allergies and sensitivities you may have, and what lifestyle choices may be influencing the condition of your skin.

2. We analyze your skin to ascertain your skin type and specific kind of acne issues you have. We will test different types of exfoliants to see how sensitive your skin is to specific skin care products. You will be given recommendations for your home care regimen based on this information. We give you an estimate, in our professional opinion, of how long it will take to get your skin issues addressed properly.

3. We go over information you need to know about your lifestyle that could be contributing to your skin issues.  After going over it, we give you the packet of information to take home so you can refer to it anytime.

4. We then go over your home care regimen step-by-step to make sure you thoroughly understand how to effectively use your skin care products at home.  Detailed instructions sheets will go home with you for your home care regimen.

5. We want you to call us right away if you are not sure you’re doing your routine right, or the skin care products don’t feel right. Strong communication is key to getting your skin smooth and hydrated as quickly as possible. We want to hear from you.

6. We will need to see you every two weeks until you are showing good improvement.   Changes in your routine will be made to keep ahead of the adaptation process. Once you are showing great improvement, we may see you periodically until you can stay clear with just your at-home routine.


Disclaimer:  Your results may vary.  Results take time and depend on client’s adherence to the whole program.  Results typically take 3-6 months, but could take longer.  Your skin is worth the time and effort.