Kara Llewellyn, LE

Bakersfield Acne Care’s Lead Esthetician.



I’m Kara, Bakersfield Acne Care & Skin Therapy's Lead Esthetician. Bakersfield Acne Care was created by my mom Nondy Llewellyn. For more than fifteen years BAC has developed a legacy of consistently providing the best available results-based acne services, using truly effective products & protocols. Our approach is not influenced by skincare fads or social media trends. We've been doing the same standard acne clearing protocols with incredible results for all these years. It just works! Since Nondy's retirement, I have been here to continue to care for our clients as we always have. 

My overall approach revolves around diet & lifestyle adjustments, appropriate products for acneic skin, and helping you learn how to "listen" to & interperet your own skin on a regular basis so we can stay ahead of your breakouts together. 

I keep things simple and straightforward. Having used Face Reality Skincare for about seventeen years, I am deeply familiar with the products I recommend to my clients. Bakersfield Acne Care is special to me because I’m afforded the opportunity to help my community with no gimmicks. I'm here to help get you clear in a strictly acne focused environment. No frills, no flash, no up-sells. Ever. 

Let’s get started!

Kara Llewellyn, LE